Quinoa Salad ON THE GO

Get inspired by your local restaurants and save some money.  This was my idea recently when I popped into a particular new hummus restaurant by my office in Murray Hill.  On the menu was a dish called "Quinoa Salad." I thought, I can make this...don't spend $8.99 on the one dish. So, instead, I bought the ingredients for about $10 and had lunch for a week.  A delicious (and healthy) lunch that is :)

Quinoa Salad

1 Cup cooked quinoa
Chopped red onion
Chopped red pepper
Chopped Walnuts
Splash of olive oil (abt 2 TBSP)

** Use about 1/2 to 3/4 of the red onion and the entire red pepper.  Use as many cranberries, raisins and walnuts as you please.  

Eat your quinoa salad however you wish.  I ate it on a bed of mixed greens and experimented with honey mustard dressing (still looking for a tasty dressing to go with -- might be good with a raspberry vinegrette). The salad is delicious on its own but would also make a really nice side dish for say, a light fish. ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

My Wholefoods in San Diego (Hillcrest) has a southwest quinoa salad with corn, black beans, red onion, red bell pepper, I think lime juice, and olive oil. There was something in there maybe a pepper of some kind that added some kick to it.....I used to buy it all the time and just decided to do my own quinoa. Now after all that, I find quinoa to be amazing just by itself. However, it's one of the most versatile grains I've had. Being on a gluten free diet, eating brown rice gets really boring. This grain is lighter and doesn't leave me feeling so full the way that brown rice does. I'm going to try this recipe. Although I'm not a fan of cranberries I may substitute them with gogi berries.

Your recipe sounds yummy and the picture looks delish....Thanks for the idea

N.D. said...

Great idea! I will have to try this.

Katie ♥ said...

Hey love! Im great! How are you?!! Missed ya!!

Yes Im on facebook!! Look me up! Katie Carso !! I want to see pics !!! Yay!!

Naturally Nutty is so good, I won those jars in a giveaway!

Muah! xoxo

kvhart said...

Hey there Huwer... love the Quinoa Salad recipe. I have my own version of a Quinoa Salad that I love to make. I can't wait to try yours :) We need to get together on the phone sometime soon. I want to hear how school is going and if you got your referral package? I hope all is well.


James said...

Hello Christine,
Really you have provided great recipe to live Healthy and Fit Life. It's awesome blog I found here... really your are doing great work! keep it up. It's very helpful to all of us. Thanks very much!

James Woods, NY
Health Consultant @ HealthPharmaRx

About Me

New York City
Welcome! My name is Christine and I have landed here to share my love of healthy living and eating. I live in NYC where I am currently enrolled in the School of Integrative Nutrition. I am already certified as a holistic health coach and I have started seeing clients to help them reach their wellness goals. I started hot mama health to share the idea that it is fun to be healthy! Health is an adventure with endless foods to taste, exercises to explore, and challenges to meet! If you do not already feel this way, I hope that I can bring you into the light or at least stir a little inspiration here and there.
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